Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Este poste se dedica a mi LAMYOOSH precioso. El CEO de mi mundo:D. La autorización i no sabe seriamente qué escribir, pero que esta muchacha es ASOMBROSA. Su amante es un individuo afortunado. En una nota más ligera. Acabo de mirarlos ESTRAGO del ovie y era la MIERDA que era realmente realmente bueno. Nunca sabía que Anne Hathaway lo tenía en ella a actuar fuera de ese papel. Su a DEBE mirar película así que cada una ir reloj él. Me siento tan malo para dejar mi frnd en starbux y salir con Sarah y Shahd acechar a esta persona. Para decir a individuos de u la verdad me nunca realmente tuve gusto de Hana (la muchacha que zanjé en los starbucks) conjeturo que ella es el ser justo agradable yo porque los shes que fechaban a mi primo o something.Sara, Shahd, y yo cenaban más adelante en Roma. Tenía una ensalada del camarón, y un coque YUM de la cereza. Autorización me aburren obviamente. Ive no consiguió nada decir. Oh Oh pero espera. Estoy consiguiendo casé con mi AMANTE chiken en un granero preferablly en Kentucky. Las huéspedes r permitieron solamente adentro si están usando poco boo los equipos del pío. Los thats de Ya sobre él ahora besan mis perras del asno y SE VAYAN. Canción de
P.s del momento pertenezco : I belong to me- Jessica simpson
P.s.S casi no cuenta



u littel kaka u wrote a post abpout lamya and u dident even write a post about me
ur own blood
im ur sister ya kaka
fine ill never take u out and treat u for coffe or dinner ya mwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha

Black Orchid said...

el shay elwa7eed elli fahamtu was Lamyoosh Oo faj2a "Hana" lol eash katabti about me? :P

Anonymous said...

And im suppose to understand? :P

Anonymous said...

oh & btw wut on earth is this language :P?

Lamya said...

Youuuu rock!My spanish chica.See always knew u belonged in spain or brazil or something. Too tired to speak spanish now will come back later. Thanks for MY POST,I HEART YOU!

Lamya said...

I can comment as many times as i like on this post. Yay!I feel like its my birthday!..

Dude! said...

What ??


shooosh babe i'll write a post bout u next time. I see u everyday walah ihave nothing to say :'(

ma kan g9dy inty g9dy w7da bathra ismaha hana lol not u though ;)

loooooooool its espanol ;) umm no u dont have to understand bas y3ni lol

haha need to talk to u ASAP. TRES IMPORTANTO loooooool i heart u more. u rock my socks ;)
looooooool and u can comment as many times as u want on all my posts ;) ur always welcome :X:X kiss kiss bella


Taqo said...

Shisalfah? :/
Tra ma afham :D

Anonymous said...

well anyways...

I bet inno it was a great post.. ;)

Even though i didnt understand bs 3ashan all ur posts are great ;P..

Dunno wut else to say bs waiting for the next post.. :D ( Hope its in english this time :P )

Rawr said...

:P ummmm ...
RAHEEB!ur so cool wala!Oo i agree with everything u just said!

((ma fahaaaamt walaaaaaaa shaaaaaaaaaaaay .... :P))

Lamya said...

Yeah bella,u r so cool.:)*rawr nd me in front of white house with body boards:bella rocks!*even my contented stuffed krsha thinks so..


tic tac:
haw ma fhmty :S? laih
i see those espanol lessons have gone to waste huh :P

FIFI: awww thnx bebe :X

SHINOO SHINOO ?? :O lol aham shay

i rock ur socks :P and ur karshas too :P :D

u think soo :D i do too :P loooool 5la9 fhmt ya nas no more espanol posts :PO

Lamya said...

Oh and everyone,espanol books r ALWAYS on sale at jarir,for those of us not as lucky as bella..But let me finish fedexing this taco 2 bella,alright?


lamyoosh i wouldnt have been newhere wthout ur espanol lessons :D o0o i just recieved the taco's they werre DELISH ;) ur 7ubi is one lucky guy
kiss kiss bella

3zayez said...

This is your post translated using my good friend Google translate:

This post is dedicated to my precious LAMYOOSH. The CEO of my world: D. The authorization i seriously does not know what to write, but that this girl is AMAZING. His lover is a lucky individual. In one he notices lighter. I finish watching them DAMAGE of the ovie and was the EXCREMENT that was really really good. It never knew that Anne Hathaway had it in her to act outside that paper. His to IT MUST watch film so each one to go clock he. I feel so bad to leave my frnd in starbux and to leave with Sarah and Shahd to watch this person. In order to say to individuals of or the truth never really I had me taste of Hana (the girl that I settled in starbucks) I conjecture that she is the just pleasant being I because shes which they dated to my cousin or something. Sara, Shahd, and I they had supper more ahead in Rome. It had a salad of the shrimp, and a coke YUM of the cherry. Authorization bores to me obvious. Ive was not able anything to say. Oh Oh but hopes. I am obtaining I married with my LOVER chiken in a barn preferablly in Kentucky. Guests r allowed only inside if the equipment of pío is using little boo. Thats of Already on him now kisses my dogs of the ass and THEY GO AWAY.

I think you may need to work on your spelling LOOOOOOOL